Ivana Pinna, Thomas Keis, Enya Idda
Curator Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio
Opening: October 7th from 19.00 to 21.00
From October 8th to October 26th open by appointment:
The project Tierra brings together three artists, recent stories from two specific territories, and the echo of a universal scream.
This last one is the too often unheard scream of the planet earth, who is claiming its fragility, who is revealing its limits and boundaries and who is facing the betrayal of one of its oldest inhabitants: the human being. The symbiosis, the alliance and the complicity between people and land are suffering nowadays one of its deepest fractures. The ecological impact of the human activities has reached an alarming level and the greed in which we are blindly confined is leading us to a point of no return.
The artists bring to Espai Souvenir concrete elements that highlight the story of two different territories where the human intervention is directly threatening the natural ecosystem.
Thomas Keis and Ivana Pinna bring traces of their walking participative performance Fragile, held in the summer of 2021 in the rural environment of Nurri, in Sardinia. The walk drew attention to an important issue that affects some rural areas of Sardinia, which have been deemed potentially suitable for the construction of a radioactive waste repository, although in the referendum of 2011 the population of Sardinia had already expressed its opposition.
In a creative exercise of solidarity and alliance, the artists have engaged in conversation with Cal Met Natrus, part of the Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat, adjacent the El Prat airport landing strip, situated in the natural protected area recently threatened by the airport extension project. Cal Met Natrus was also indirectly menaced by a past extension of the airport a decade ago.
The land of Delta del Llobregat and Nurri therefore come together in this exhibition, telling their own singular stories, but at the same time representing the current universal struggle of the natural ecosystems.
In this fragile landscape, the artist Enya Idda situates her clay sculptures, The People of the Earth, made with the clay of Nurri and with the clay of the Delta del Llobregat, who silently observe and protect, like ancient guardians, all the territories.
The sacrality of the natural ecosystem, the centrality of the land as life giver and the restoration of the old alliance, based on respect, care and mutual learning, between land and humans, are highlighted in the exhibition through the objects, images and creative details disseminated in the gallery space.
Thomas Keis born in Germany, based in IVYnode Barcelona. Multidisciplinary artist awarded with the Meisterpreis by the Akademie für Gestaltung und Design in Munich. His work involves photography, conceptual works, installations and landscape art and crosses the border between art and design, with the ideation of objects and other forms of artistic expression. He is cofounder of IVYnode, which organizes cultural projects mainly in small rural communities.
Ivana Pinna born in Italy, based in Barcelona. Multidisciplinary artist. Her artistic practice and research has been influenced by her academic studies in Political Sciences, Social and Cultural Anthropology. She works on participatory projects, involving directly the public in the creative process and collaborates with other artists in trans-disciplinary projects. She is Catalyst at IVYnode, responsible for the creation, organization of the Artist in Residence program, events and curatorial exhibition projects.
Enya Idda, Italian. She is Artist, Sculptures and Art therapist. She graduated in painting at the Albertine Academy of Fine Art. She was part of the artistic collective “Anamani” which analyses the origin of the creative process and the anthropological research of art. She specialized with Daniel Caselles in the Ordit technique and learned the Experimental Firing Techniques with Wali Haves. Her research investigates the relationship between art, shamanism and the representation of myth.
Hoy en día, muchos territorios del mundo se encuentran amenazados y explotados. La exposición enfatiza la fragilidad de los territorios y la exigencia de protegerlos.
La obra de Enya Idda busca un contacto íntimo con la tierra, desde la recolección del barro hasta la realización de una pequeña “Comunidad de Personas” que velan simbólicamente el territorio. Presencias primordiales que observan, como antiguos guardianes, la maravilla de la creación para que no se desfigure.
Ivana Pinna y Thomas Keis proponen una revisión de su proyecto “Fragile”, realizado en un territorio amenazado por un depósito de residuos radiactivos en Cerdeña. En esta ocasión hacen un enlace a un tema de actualidad que afecta a un territorio concreto en Cataluña.
En la exposición “Tierra” las obras se fusionan en una nueva instalación Site Specific.
El proyecto está comisariado por Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio, quien formó parte del Comité Científico de WAC 2021 International Encounters / Conference WALKING AS A QUESTION en Prespa (Grecia) y fue el Coordinador internacional del HUB SARDINIA, organizado por IVYnode.
Avui en dia, molts territoris del món estan afectats i explotats. L’exposició posa l’èmfasi en la fragilitat dels territoris i la demanda de protecció.
L’obra d’Enya Idda busca un contacte íntim amb la terra, des de la col·lecció de fang fins a la realització d’una petita “comunitat de persones” que vetlla simbòlicament pel territori. Presències primordials que observen, com els antics guardians, la meravella de la creació perquè no es desfiguri.
Ivana Pinna i Thomas Keis proposen una revisitació del seu projecte “Fràgile”, dut a terme en un territori amenaçat per un dipòsit de residus radioactius a Sardenya. En aquesta ocasió fan un enllaç a un tema d’actualitat que afecta un territori concret de Catalunya.
A l’exposició “Tierra” les obres es fusionen en una nova instal·lació Site Specific.
El projecte està comissariat per Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio, que va formar part del Comitè Científic del WAC 2021 International Encounters / Conference WALKING AS A QUESTION a Prespa (Grècia) i va ser el coordinador internacional del HUB SARDINIA, organitzat per IVYnode.